Our story begins in 2002, when we bought a pool store in Frederick, MD. Having only the experience of caring for our own pool, some solid future ideas backed with many years of marketing experience, and a strong family with diverse skills, we dove in… into the deep end… and we’ve been swimming laps and growing stronger ever since!

We are family owned and operated. And though that seems like a crazy concept in this chain-store world, it is in fact a better deal for our customers. We listen to your needs, follow what’s happening in our community, and strive to provide professional service, a knowledgeable staff and quality products. Whether you visit our stores, shop online or speak with us over the phone, we are dedicated to making your experience enjoyable.

Home base is our Frederick store which is open year-round for pool chemicals, supplies, water testing, patio furniture, swimwear & teams, and becomes the Jingle Shop for Christmastime from November to January. Our Smithsburg store is open from March to October for pool season. Additionally, our outside teams are available for pool service & maintenance, as well as deliveries of furniture, pool supplies & chemicals.

If you are currently our customer, thank you for helping us stay the largest pool store and the merriest Christmas shop in the area. And if you’re not a customer, stop by to check us out or visit our online store! Just because we have to practice social distancing, doesn’t mean we have to be socially distant.

If you’re interested in working at Pools, Patios and Porches. Please print this application (Employment Application), fill out, scan and email to [email protected] or bring into our Frederick location at 2 Wormans Mill Ct., Frederick, Maryland 21701

Thanks for taking the time to read our story!